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Resource / Report

Why investors should engage automotive companies on the impacts of their supply chains: Risks and Opportunities

Automotive manufacturing line
Campaign News

Lead the Charge Launches Investor Briefing Examining Risks and Opportunities Associated with Auto Supply Chains

Campaign News

Public Citizen and other organizations call out mining industry for attempt to weaken standards for human rights, labor and pollution

Campaign News

Investors agree: automakers must invest in truly green, fossil-fuel-free steel

Protestors call out VW and POSCO for coal-fired steelmaking
Campaign News

New Earthworks Report on Minimizing Mining Impacts from Electric Vehicles

Campaign News

Relining Blast Furnaces: POSCO’s Plan to Prolong Coal Dependency and Its Climate Consequences

Activists stand in front of POSCO facility with signs urging POSCO to drop its plans to reline coal blast furnaces
Industry News

Honda and Mercedes face allegations of illegal union-busting in the U.S.

Industry News

Volvo to issue world’s first EV battery passport

Industry News

Illegal rare earth mining in Myanmar linked to supply chain of major automakers

Industry News

Hyundai sued by Department of Labor over use of child labor and faces new prison labor allegations

Campaign News

EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive to compel automakers to act on supply chain impacts 

Europa building, Brussels, Belgium
Campaign News

Rainforest Foundation Norway and AidEnvironment document deforestation impacts of EV supply chain

A road in a nickel mine cuts through the forest on the Indonesian island of Halmahera. Photo: Forest Watch Indonesia
Campaign News

Stuck in Neutral: Tesla’s 2023 Impact Report Shows Incremental, but Underwhelming, Progress on Clean and Equitable Supply Chains

Tesla EV charging at charging station
Industry News

Nissan to transition to low-CO₂ emission aluminium by 2030

Campaign News

Auto workers are building power as automakers fail to respect workers’ rights

UAW members on strike
Campaign News

Leaderboard reveals lack of commitment from automakers to Indigenous Peoples’ rights

Resource / Blog Post

Reflections on IWA 45 from a Civil Society Participant

Campaign News

Ford Sustainability Report Shows Important Progress on the Rights of Workers and Indigenous Peoples but Disappoints on Clean Steel and Aluminum

Resource / Case Study

EV battery recycling: burning batteries is not the way to go

Campaign News

Civil Society Guiding Principles and Priorities for a Credible, Rights-Respecting ISO Critical Minerals Supply Chain Standard

Resource / Case Study

The importance of equitable, sustainable and fossil-free automotive supply chains: a case study on nickel mining and processing in Indonesia

Resource / Case Study

The Thacker Pass Mining Project: Free, Prior and Informed Consent and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

Campaign News

Hyundai announces withdrawal from agreement to procure aluminum powered by new coal power plant in Indonesia

Resource / Case Study

From Brazil to Papua New Guinea, Mine Waste Creates Serious Problems

Campaign News

Automakers are making progress on green steel and aluminum

Resource / Case Study

Advances in EU Regulations and implications for automakers

Campaign News

Bay Area Leaders Join Lead the Charge Coalition Members to Discuss Priorities for Cleaning up Automotive Supply Chains in California, and Globally

Resource / Case Study

UAW and Sparkz chart the way forward for battery workers

Campaign News

American Automakers Surge as Japanese Automakers stagnate, in second annual Lead The Charge Leaderboard

Campaign News

South Korean automakers fall behind U.S. automakers in annual clean car scorecard

Campaign News

2024 Leaderboard results highlight progress on green steel and inaction on just transition

Campaign News

Clean Cars Scorecard sees American Automakers overtake European Counterparts, led by Ford and Tesla

Resource / Report

2024 Leaderboard Report: Leading the Charge

Resource / Case Study

Car manufacturers are gearing up in the race for clean steel

Resource / Report

An Assessment of Third-Party Assurance and Accreditation Schemes

Campaign News

Human rights and environmental groups identify flaws in independent certifications in auto supply chains

Industry News

Ford, Tesla and VW nickel partnerships in Indonesia linked to climate rights, environmental harms

Campaign News

Popular resistance in Panama and Guatemala highlights risks of irresponsible mining

Industry News

Tesla criticized for not respecting right to collective bargaining in Sweden

Campaign News

Greenpeace East Asia ranks automakers on decarbonization

Campaign News

This is the type of leadership we need from automakers

Campaign News

Auto Industry Could Save Hundreds of Lives a Year in US by Cleaning Up Supply Chain

External Resource

Respecting Indigenous Rights: An Actionable Due Diligence Toolkit for Institutional Investors

External Resource

Escalating Need for Auto Supply Chain Action to Align with Paris and Limit Warming to 1.5*C

Campaign News

Subsidizing Green Steel Procurement to Drive Carbon Reduction and Cost Savings in China’s Automotive Industry

Campaign News

Cleveland-Cliffs Delays 68 Million Tonne Pollution Decision

External Resource

Critical raw materials for the energy transition in the EU: How circular economy approaches can increase supply security for critical raw materials

Industry News

Mercedes and H2 Green Steel announce agreements in both Europe and North America

Campaign News

General Motors’ Thacker Pass Investment Threatens Indigenous Peoples Rights

Candlelit vigil in front of GM's HQ with projections on dirty steel and aluminum behind.
Industry News

GM criticized for not responding to Indigenous groups over FPIC concerns with Lithium Americas

Industry News

ArcelorMittal to supply recycled and renewably produced steel to General Motors

Industry News

Progress on battery chemistries holds potential to reduce demand for high-intensity minerals

Campaign News

Automakers have failed to disclose emissions from steel: new report by Greenpeace

Campaign News

Powering electric vehicles: New report on human rights and environmental abuses in Southeast Asia’s nickel supply chains

Campaign News

Hyundai’s Award-Winning Ioniqs: Failing to answer the call for sustainable supply chains

Industry News

Mercedes announces new supply chain goals, including steel, aluminum, battery recycling, and human rights risk assessment

Campaign News

“Lead The Charge” Campaign Welcomes Mercedes Sustainability Targets

External Resource

The Future is Circular: Circular Economy and Critical Minerals for the Green Transition

Industry News

By 2026, more than one third of BMW’s steel will be “CO₂-reduced” + “CO₂-reduced” aluminum agreement

Resource / Report

2023 Leaderboard Summary

External Resource

Business and Human Rights: How companies can operationalize the UN Guiding Principles (Open Course)

External Resource

Practical Supplement to the Business Reference Guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

External Resource

The Business Reference Guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Campaign News

“Lead The Charge” Campaign Calls On Automakers To Capitalize on the EV Transition to Clean Up Their Supply Chains

Industry News

Hyundai Steel produces low-carbon, high-strength steel plates

Industry News

VW invests in resource-efficient battery design and signs agreements for “low CO2” steel and “environmentally-friendly”lithium

Industry News

Allegations of forced labor and human rights violations, and environmental damage in VW’s supply chains

Industry News

Allegations of pollution, workers’ rights violations and forced labour in Toyota’s supply chains

Industry News

Mercedes establishes multiple partnerships on steel, aluminum, and lithium with IRMA certification requirement

Industry News

Tesla’s gigafactory to use recycled materials in battery cell production

Industry News

Allegations of forced labor and human rights violations in rare earth supply chains

Industry News

Allegations of pollution, workers’ rights violations, forced labor and due diligence failings

Industry News

Stellantis invests in “low” and “zero” emissions lithium operations with offtake agreement and equity stake

Industry News

Allegations of workers’ rights and human rights violations in Stellantis parts plants and supply chains

Industry News

Nissan to use “low-CO₂” steel and green aluminum

Industry News

Pollution, child labour, workers’ rights violations and new coal-fired power plants in Hyundai-Kia’s supply chains

Industry News

Allegations of forced labor

Industry News

Recycling and unionization in GM’s battery supply chain

Industry News

Allegations of forced labour, workers’ rights violations and environmental degradation

Industry News

Geely & Volvo-owned Polestar sets goal to produce climate-neutral car by 2030

Industry News

Pollution allegations against BYD’s factory in China

Industry News

BMW signs agreements for low-carbon steel & aluminum in Europe, US and China

Industry News

Allegations of negative environmental impacts & forced labor

External Resource

Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all

External Resource

Shared Prosperity: The Investor Case For Freedom Of Association And Collective Bargaining

External Resource

Responsible sourcing: The business case for protecting land and environmental defenders and indigenous communities’ rights to land and resources

External Resource

Joining Together for a Just Transition: Indigenous Leadership in Emerging Green Economies

External Resource

Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas

External Resource

Enhancing effectiveness of non-State-based grievance mechanisms in cases of business-related human rights abuse

External Resource

Remediation, Grievance Mechanisms and the Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

External Resource

A Vision for a Sustainable Battery Value Chain in 2030: Unlocking the Full Potential to Power Sustainable Development and Climate Change Mitigation

External Resource

Making Net-Zero Aluminum Possible: An industry-backed 1.5 degree-aligned transition strategy

External Resource

Making Net-Zero Steel Possible: An industry-backed, 1.5 degree aligned transition strategy

External Resource

What is Green Steel? Definitions and Scopes from Standards, Initiatives, and Policies around the World

Action Area

Demand for fossil-free & environmentally responsible steel

External Resource

Value Change in the Value Chain: Best practices in Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Management

Action Area

Supporting legislation to drive up standards

Action Area

Workers’ rights

Action Area

Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)

Action Area

Responsible sourcing of transition minerals

Action Area

Human rights grievance and remedy mechanisms

Action Area

Human rights due diligence in supply chains

Action Area

Environmental requirements and due diligence in supply chains

Action Area

Recycling and Reuse

Action Area

Demand for fossil-free & environmentally responsible batteries

Action Area

Demand for fossil-free & environmentally responsible aluminum

Action Area

Scope 3 Science-Based Targets

Action Area

Transparency and disclosure of supply chains and their emissions

Industry News

Ford signs agreements for various “low-carbon” and “zero-carbon” metals, including steel

Industry News

Allegations of supply chain worker rights violations, forced labor and environmental degradation