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Score Breakdown

Fossil-Free & Environmentally Sustainable Supply Chains

* InfluenceMap scores were applied as a multiplier to the total Fossil-free & Environmentally Sustainable Supply Chains score. See methodology for further details.

Human Rights & Responsible Resourcing

Supply Chain News & Progress

Latest on SAIC

Supply chain transformation is a risk management imperative and opportunity for a competitive edge. Leading brands are already securing a first-mover advantage and leveraging their power to transform legacy supply chains into a force for good. The revolution is underway.

Our Vision

The future is an automotive industry where all vehicles are made:

01 — Equitably

Respecting and advancing the rights of Indigenous Peoples, workers, and local communities throughout the supply chain.

02 — Sustainably

Preserving and restoring environmental health and biodiversity across supply chains, while reducing primary resource demand through efficient resource use and increased recycled content.

03 — Fossil-free

100% electric and made with a fossil fuel-free supply chain.